Diverse Learning Environments

Living Water Dayhome
As a family child care provider, our goal is to provide a safe and happy learning environment for each child that will stimulate their physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth at their own pace. We offer loving care that focuses on each child as unique and wonderful individual and in doing so, builds self-esteem and respect for others. As your partner in caring for your child, out interaction with you, the parent, is as important as our interaction with your child. We encourage parent involvement in the child care setting.

Little Masters
This art program introduces young learners to the world’s great artists. Children go beyond basic arts and crafts and become immersed in the world of art, learning techniques that are very approachable for young artists. The program fosters independence, imagination and creative confidence through manipulation
and experimentation of a variety of materials
and media. Each class focuses on a famous visionary artist, such as Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Henri Mattise and Georgia O’Keeffe.
Letter Mania
This reading and writing program excites children about the alphabet, while significantly improving their phonological awareness. The program is designed on the principles of multi-sensory learning and consists of four main styles of learning: visual (looking at the letter), auditory (listening to the letter sound), kinesthetic (sky writing the letter), and tactile
(printing the letter on a sensory tray like sandpaper). The Letter-Mania program is based on thorough early educational research on phonics instruction and phonological awareness skills.
Emergent curriculum
Rooted in the work of noted early childhood theorists like Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky, emergent curriculum is defined as a process where teachers plan activities and projects based on the specific group of children they are working with, taking into account their skills, needs, and interests.
Outside Play
Playing outdoors allows children to develop self-confidence, independence and self-esteem. They also become aware of limits, boundaries and challenge in their play. When children are used to playing outdoors, they are more likely to: try new activities. Living Water have children to play twice a day when weather permitted.
Music may expose the child to challenges and multi-sensory experiences which enhance learning abilities and encourage cognitive development. In particular, music can also engage cognitive functions, such as planning, working memory, inhibition, and flexibility. We invite a music teacher once a week and dancing and instruments are always available for children.
Physical activity helps children improve their fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control their weight, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. We do Kids Yoga regular basis with special instructor!