Start a High Quality Child Care in Calgary and Chestermere
Living Water Advantage
Becoming a Living Water family means you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility of running your own dayhome while have the support of a strong, recognized brand every step of the way.
You are not in business alone, support of an experienced team of professionals
Administration and guided parents tour support (F)
Bi-Weekly Payment
Operation manual binder
Continuous child referrals
Childcare mobile app support
Living Water Emergency Bag
Progressive Curriculum (F)
Ready to use Monthly Craft Package (F)
Weekly Special Class for kids (F)
Franchise opportunity
Government Grant and subsidies
Government supported wage enhancement
Top Notch Facility- Childcare Web Camera Set up (F)
Field trip support - Transportation
Parents Night Out / Event hosted by agency
Toy Buy and Sell / Group purchase
General cleaning services (F)
Meal Catering and delivery (F)
Join a network of franchisees, support and learning
Commitment & Opportunity
Enjoy independence and the flexibility of being a business owner, allows you to put family and lifestyle ahead of work (F)
24/7 support available
Workshop / Networking opportunities
Customized training matrix
Educator referral / approval bonus
Backup during your vacations / sick days